Personal Thoughts and Opinions

I thought I would share with you a few thoughts of mine, that have recently just came to the front of my mind. 

I think positivity is one of the most important factors to have within life. I think this simply because, in life everyone gets taken advantage of, everyone hurts, everyone has loss and gain, everyone has good and difficult times and everyone has troubles. Although, my way of thinking is that it is how you approach the situation is the most important. Positivity and honesty is key. So if you're annoyed, do not be scared to admit that, because you should not hide how you're feeling, but realise that you're not the only one that goes through the same or similar situations. So, my point is, you can not be annoyed about the same thing over and over, because you're damaging your own happiness, and you have yourself to blame for that. It is a very blunt way to say it, but I believe everyone is in charge of their own happiness. 

Don't get me wrong, life is a bitch with what it throws at you. But it's not just you, it's everyone and remember, people only choose to tell you what they want to tell you. So I think it's important to never assume that somebody is not hurting about something on the inside, because they might want to deal with it privately or with a few close friends (I know, because I am that kind of person). I think it is important in life to have realisation of everyone goes through something that hurts them, and why they cry sometimes at night. But the whole point of life is that you have to pick yourself back up, learn from what has happened, or hold that person you've lost in your heart and live your life. Nobody can change the past, nobody can change what is going to happen in life, so I think a positive attitude and a good foundation of family and few close friends is important in being happy.

Todays society is very negative about a number of things, but I won't personally allow that to effect how I feel about my life. I am a very blessed person, like many people I know are. At the end of the day, there is always someone out there worser of than you are and you have to count your blessings, not your problems. 

In a nutshell, my life is based on honesty, openness and happiness. I have learnt this over the past couple of years that not everyone is going to want the best for you and not everyone is doing their actions to benefit you, but them kind of people, you learn from and dismiss from your life. I have turned into, very much a blunter person at university. I do not need negativity in my life and I do not need people to put me down. The people I need are positive people, who genuinely help and support you. Weirdly, those people (except for my family) are the ones I've known for about a year or so.

I know everyone I've loved, lost and those who are in my life now and close to my heart are here to extend my happiness. I do not believe you can beat yourself up about the past or what could have been. I believe you grow and learn from it to make yourself into a better person. 


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