Coconut Hot Oil Treatment

These are the some of the benefits of Coconut Oil on hair:
1. Coconut Oil stimulates hair growth, as it is able to penetrate the follicles unlike many natural oils.
2. Promotes health of the scalp, fighting against such problems like dandruff. 
3. Coconut Oil moisturises dry hair. 
4. Adds luster, shine and softness to the hair
5. Prevents hair breakage and split ends. 
6. Slows down hair loss. 

I have recently discovered an incredible treatment, which is called a Hot Oil Treatment. There are many different ways to do a Hot Oil Treatment, for example, different oils mixed together and so on which you can look up on Google and YouTube.  However my friend told me about coconut oil, which is meant to be good for hair growth (I will be putting what I think of coconut oil in my product review in seven weeks time for hair growth and overall condition after using it for a little longer), however, I have been using this treatment for a little while and I personally believe it's a really good, natural hair treatment, not only dry hair, but all hair conditions. I would recommend getting "Pure Coconut Oil" as it is 100% Coconut Oil with nothing added, as I love 100% natural things to condition my hair. I would also recommend this product as it's not too expensive. My hair personally is not in bad condition, but I can tell it helps the strength of my hair, even by the short period of time I've been using this product (I will be able to give a more accurate review in seven weeks time, however, I wanted to share this treatment with you all ASAP! and how I recommend you do it.)

How I do a Hot Oil Treatment
Everyone does Hot Oil Treatments differently, as some leave the oil on their hair for an hour or two, while some others leave them on for days! It all depends on your hair type. I personally wanted to take full advantage of this product, so I use it once a week on a "day-old" hair. I put Coconut Oil on as early as possible, so it could be 3PM or if I've been out 8PM/9PM and I leave it on all night and wash and deep condition in the morning. I would say if your hair is thick, you might need to shampoo your hair twice, as you want to make sure the oil is completely out of your hair. 
Firstly, depending on how long your hair is and if you want your hair completely covered in Coconut Oil or massage the Coconut Oil at the roots and comb through, you will need to use different amounts. I personally do both, one week I cover my hair in Coconut Oil from root to my ends and the next week I massage it into roots and comb the oil through my hair.
1. Heat up the oil in boiling water, you can heat up the whole bottle (which is what I do so I don't have to pour the Coconut Oil into another bottle), or you can use a Spray Bottle or something similar where you'll be able to directly apply it to your roots (which you can purchase for cheap on eBay). 
2. I pour little amounts of Coconut Oil on my hands and massage my scalp first, making sure the oil is on every part of my scalp. 
3. If I am covering my hair in Coconut Oil, I keep applying little amounts of oil onto my hands and massage it into my hair thoroughly to my ends (taking my time while doing it).
4. I then lightly put my hair into a bun (with my ends inside of the bun, making sure it can have the maximum amount of oil).
5. I cover my hair with a hair net/cover to try and hold that little bit of extra heat. After that, heat my hair with my hairdryer to keep it warm for a little longer.
6. Then leave it on, wash it off in the morning and feel how beautiful your hair feels!

I do highly recommend doing this treatment for general hair treatments which will make your hair soft, shiny and stronger. I hope this has helped, or given you suggestions! If you could give me suggestions on what else I could do, I would hugely appreciate it.


Personal Thoughts and Opinions

I thought I would share with you a few thoughts of mine, that have recently just came to the front of my mind. 

I think positivity is one of the most important factors to have within life. I think this simply because, in life everyone gets taken advantage of, everyone hurts, everyone has loss and gain, everyone has good and difficult times and everyone has troubles. Although, my way of thinking is that it is how you approach the situation is the most important. Positivity and honesty is key. So if you're annoyed, do not be scared to admit that, because you should not hide how you're feeling, but realise that you're not the only one that goes through the same or similar situations. So, my point is, you can not be annoyed about the same thing over and over, because you're damaging your own happiness, and you have yourself to blame for that. It is a very blunt way to say it, but I believe everyone is in charge of their own happiness. 

Don't get me wrong, life is a bitch with what it throws at you. But it's not just you, it's everyone and remember, people only choose to tell you what they want to tell you. So I think it's important to never assume that somebody is not hurting about something on the inside, because they might want to deal with it privately or with a few close friends (I know, because I am that kind of person). I think it is important in life to have realisation of everyone goes through something that hurts them, and why they cry sometimes at night. But the whole point of life is that you have to pick yourself back up, learn from what has happened, or hold that person you've lost in your heart and live your life. Nobody can change the past, nobody can change what is going to happen in life, so I think a positive attitude and a good foundation of family and few close friends is important in being happy.

Todays society is very negative about a number of things, but I won't personally allow that to effect how I feel about my life. I am a very blessed person, like many people I know are. At the end of the day, there is always someone out there worser of than you are and you have to count your blessings, not your problems. 

In a nutshell, my life is based on honesty, openness and happiness. I have learnt this over the past couple of years that not everyone is going to want the best for you and not everyone is doing their actions to benefit you, but them kind of people, you learn from and dismiss from your life. I have turned into, very much a blunter person at university. I do not need negativity in my life and I do not need people to put me down. The people I need are positive people, who genuinely help and support you. Weirdly, those people (except for my family) are the ones I've known for about a year or so.

I know everyone I've loved, lost and those who are in my life now and close to my heart are here to extend my happiness. I do not believe you can beat yourself up about the past or what could have been. I believe you grow and learn from it to make yourself into a better person. 


Hair Growth and Hair Products

So, I thought I'd do a little review on a few products I'm using for hair growth! I'll give it eight weeks and then I'll do a review for each product for all of you. I would do it for the condition of my hair, however, the condition of my hair is in good condition already, so I'll be able to tell you all if it changes it or makes it better!

The products I am reviewing:
 Lee Stafford's treatment "for hair that never grows past a certain length" 
I am using this product as I want to make my hair grow faster, stronger and thicker. Reading a few reviews I noticed that it does all three things, which is perfect for me as I do want thicker hair and my hair to grow faster. 
I will leave this treatment on over night, twice a week.

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Colour Deep Treatment and Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Luscious Long Deep Treatment
So I use Aussie Colour Shampoo and Conditioner and they are amazing! I then noticed the treatments and I thought I might as well try them! I chose these two products as firstly, I colour my hair every month or two months and I want to do everything to protect my hair and make it in the best condition I can! (which I already do, but "every little helps" haha). I then chose the Luscious Long treatment as this specific treatment cares for dry, damaged hair and also helps to reduce breakage (which can be caused with combing and so on)
I will leave these treatments on for a couple of hours each, once a week for each.

Valupak Vitamins: Multi Vitamin and Valupak Supplements Omega - 3 Fish Oil
I have heard that the Fish Oil supplements help hair grow and in good condition, I will be taking these once a day along with Multi Vitamins as everyone likes to be healthy on the inside!

(These are what all the products look like for you all)

Although, I can already review two other products! Unique Argan Plus + Hydrating Hair Repair: All-You-Need Miracle Treatment and Unique Argan Plus + Hydrating Hair Repair: Luxury Oil. I specifically use these products instead of Moroccan Oil due to Moroccan Oil being far too heavy on my hair as it instantly goes greasy and not very nice! So if anyone had the same problem, maybe these products are for you.

Unique Argan Plus + Hydrating Hair Repair: All-You-Need Miracle Treatment
I have been using this since Christmas and I use it after every time I wash my hair and I still have more than half in the bottle, and as you can tell by the photo, it is not a very big bottle! It gives you ten benefits: hydrates and moisturises, protects hair during thermal styling, shine, detangles, seals in hair colour, strengthens hair, prevents split ends, shields hair from sun and wind damage, absorbs quickly, without greasiness and controls frizziness.

I believe all these "benefits" are true! My hair is in such good condition thanks to this product! It does exactly what it says in the bottle, and is an incredible hair product. I only use a couple of sprays on my hair and it works wonders when I comb it through. I currently am not using heat on my hair, however, when I used to, this product was amazing as it protected my hair because I noticed that my hair never really got damaged from the heat I used on it (straighteners and hairdryer). This product is perfect for you if you want the benefits included and to keep your hair nice, shiny and in amazing condition! Completely worth the money. 

Unique Argan Plus + Hydrating Hair Repair: Luxury Oil
I have been using this product the same period of time as the "All-You Need Miracle Treatment", and I replaced Moroccan Oil with this oil and it was completely worth the change. Don't get me wrong, Moroccan Oil is amazing, however, with my hair (as it's not fine, but not too thick) it was too heavy and made my hair greasy. However, this oil seems to agree with my hair more than Moroccan Oil does (even though I do use Moroccan Oil on my hair at night and wash it out in the morning - so that is always an option if you don't want to let go of Moroccan Oil!) However, this oil is perfect for straightening and for general daily care of your hair! It is also a beautiful product to replace wax, hairspray or any kind of styling product on straight hair! For me personally, it made my hair stay straight, shiny and soft until it got greasy, which is amazing as I found it tough to find a perfect product to put on my hair after I style my hair. 

However, this oil is incredible and goes so well with the Miracle Treatment! They both compliment one another and do not make your hair greasy, heavy or any of them kind of things at all! They're light products which works wonders on your hair. (Oh, and they're cheaper than Moroccan Oil, not too cheap, but they are cheaper!)

I hope that is helpful to anyone reading! For all the other products I am reviewing, I think It's wise I tell all of you that I won't be using heat on my hair, such as straighteners for the next two months! So I hope this will also help my hair grow faster! My hair is naturally really curly, and I will be using rollers on my underneath of my hair, as it is less curly unfortunately! So these reviews maybe helpful to anyone with curly hair! My natural hair is like this:

Anyone that can give me advice on how to make hair grow faster, or products for curly hair! or hair in general! Please don't hesitate to comment or make suggestions!



The next four weeks will be hectic which will mean no posts until my exams have finished. However, I did get a few things through the post and I thought I'd share my favourite one with you all!

I genuinely love these sunglasses! Mango is killing it with their purses, sunglasses and jewellery!

Anyway, I hope everyone who has exams does well! And you all take care :-)

 This is currently the quote I am living by and will always live by:
Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the highroad to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction. 
Margaret Thatcher


Rest in peace Margaret Thatcher

So, this post is on the recent death of Margaret Thatcher and all reading this will have strong opinions on her. I admit I didn't know a lot about her before she died, I knew the basics and my parents opinion on her, although, I didn't properly understand why the people who hate her, despise her so much. In all honesty, I don't agree with some of her policies, which in some aspects weren't as humane as they should've been. Saying that, I always believe there are two ways to look at a situation.

I'm not going to discuss the ins and outs of her career and which policies I do and don't agree with, but all I am going to say is that whatever anyone says, it wouldn't of changed her actions. She was a very headstrong woman who stuck by her beliefs and did not back down, and that kind of passion I admire. What other MPs had to say about Margaret Thatcher was beautiful, I especially loved what Barack Obama said about her (which I got from a newspaper article): 
  "As an unapologetic supporter of our transatlantic alliance, she knew that with strength and resolve we could win the Cold War and extend freedom's promise," Mr Obama said that Baroness Thatcher was an example to women that "there is no glass ceiling that can't be shattered... With the passing of Baroness Margaret Thatcher, the world has lost one of the great champions of freedom and liberty, and America has lost a true friend." 

I have also read that women say she did nothing for women when she was in power, although, she didn't verbally need to in my eyes. She did enough by being in the position she was in, as politics was male-dominated then and today. She had a voice which was heard and stuck by what she believed, which shows her fire and passion. Margaret Thatcher was known as "The Iron Lady", which in my eyes shows she was probably two very different people. At work she was known as "The Iron Lady" which knew what she had to get done, even though she knew she wasn't going to be liked. At home she was a wife and mother who was devoted to her family. This shows what I believe in life, that you're not always going to be liked in what you do, which is shown by what she said:
"If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared  to compromise on anything at anytime and you would achieve nothing." 
Simply for this quote, amen to her.
My interpretation of the information I've read about her is that she liked people who worked hard for what they had and did not live of the state unnecessarily. In ways I do agree with this as some of today are lazy and I've heard on stupid shows like Jeremy Kyle people say that they don't want to work because they don't need to as they get money from the state. This is unfair, as the benefit system is meant to be for those who need them, not for those who choose to have them. (I can imagine some will disagree or agree with me on that, and that is very brief on what I think on the benefit system of today and I know every circumstance is different. But I do believe I am a very fair person, or at least I try to be). I do agree with some of her beliefs and as a woman Margaret Thatcher had such incredible achievements and strong characteristics which I'll always admire.

The hatred I see on TV is disgusting, to put it simply. I think this because she was in power for about ten years, not her whole lifetime, and people simply forget she was a wife, mother and grandmother too. To most of the public, they haven't necessarily "lost" anything, but her family has. Everyone feels loss in their life, and it's a hard process so it's best to be respectful of those who are hurting in my eyes. At this time I think people need to put aside their opinions in public and respect that there is a family mourning right now. Nobody can change the past, and Margaret Thatcher is now a big part of politics history. Everyone has a right to opinions but death is such a horrible thing and not to be celebrated for the wrong reasons. Nobody should forget that she was a family woman, as well as a politician. That is one of a number of reasons why I show my respects to her and her achievements.

These were a few of my favourite quotes by her:

"I love argument. I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me - that's not their job." 

"Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country." 

"Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem, and personal satisfaction."

"If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."

"If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at anytime and you would achieve nothing."

"It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake."